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曦阳小站 > 电影下载


作者:夕阳小编 日期:2020-07-06 16:31:11
球场裸奔培训班简介:In order to get out of a financial crisis, high school teacher Balz Naef (53) starts recruiting and training streakers for illegal sports betting. While he and his team help streaking become the new trend sport, his situation does not improve. On the contrary: his troubles have only just begun.

导演: Peter Luisi

编剧: Peter Luisi / Beat Schlatter

主演: Beat Schlatter / Bendrit BAJRA / Doro MÜGGLER / Luna WEDLER / Una Rusca

类型: 喜剧

制片国家/地区: 瑞士 Switzerland

语言: 瑞士德语 Swiss-German

片长: 93分钟

又名: Streaker

IMDb链接: tt6743942




浏览前页: 四月三周二天
