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曦阳小站 > 音乐

木星上行 电影配乐

作者:夕阳小编 日期:2015-03-12 11:07:29
今天小编为大家带来木星上行 电影配乐这段配乐 令人心旷神怡  希望大家喜欢     木星上行高清下载 

大型管弦乐伴奏,加上磅礡人声配置,Jupiter Ascending的1-3 Movement章节,从紧张、热血沸腾,到绚烂祥和的尾声,透露拯救世界英雌的心境转折;内心纠结的〈I Hate My Life〉,掀起波涛汹涌的愤怒情绪狂澜;赏金猎人的追杀令〈Mutiny On The Bounty Hunter〉,生存之战一触即发!诡谲的氛围蔓延〈The Lies Have It〉,谎言的背后真相即将揭晓,令人坐立难安,这种情绪延烧在〈It's A Hellava Chase〉里头,紧绷不已;就这样一路到〈Flying Dinosaur Fight With Guts〉,投注心血打造的神幻大作,将史诗般的壮阔一览无遗! 【专辑曲目】:1.Jupiter Ascending - 1st Movement (04:13) 

2.Jupiter Ascending - 2nd Movement (03:26) 

3.Jupiter Ascending - 3rd Movement (05:55) 

4.Jupiter Ascending - 4th Movement (03:27)

5.The House of Abrasax (02:20) 

6.I Hate My Life (02:08)

7.Scrambled Eggs (01:09) 

8.The Abrasax Family Tree (09:15)

9.The Shadow Chase (05:50)

10.The Titus Clipper (07:05) 

11.Mutiny On The Bounty Hunter (04:41) 

12.One Reincarnation Under God (04:07)

13.Digging Up the Flirt (02:23) 

14.A Wedding Darker (06:08)

15.Regenex Is People! (03:23) 

16.The Lies Have It (02:22)

17.It's A Hellava Chase (08:13)

18.Dinosaur To New Heights (00:50)

19.Family Jeopardy (05:08) 

20.Abdicate This! (03:29) 

21.Flying Dinosaur Fight (05:28) 

22.Commitment (09:58)

23.Flying Dinosaur Fight with Guts (Bonus) (02:36)


木星上行 电影配乐下载地址:
Jupiter Ascending - Michael Giacchino (OST) (2015).rar


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