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曦阳小站 > 精选

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards(百种超轻粘土玩法视觉卡)

作者:夕阳小编 日期:2022-12-09 19:48:00
曦阳小站为大家免费分享Playdough Mats & Visual Cards(百种超轻粘土玩法视觉卡)的百度云资源,超轻粘土延展性好,可塑性强,风干后造型也十分漂亮。通过不停地捏、揉、按、压,可提高孩子的动作能力。不难发现粘土可以塑造出千变万化的形状,所以它能给孩子想象的空间,激发孩子的创造力。超轻粘土不仅仅在国内盛行,国外的小朋友们也超级喜欢呢?这套Playdough Mats粘土素材包,共15册,每册包含彩色和黑白两种版本,家长或者老师们可以按照图片上模型,带着孩子们一起玩起来


Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Bug Set.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Dental Health Set.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – Goldilocks & the Three Little Bears.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – Hansel and Gretel.pdf(21页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – Jack and The Beanstalk.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – Little Red Hen.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – Little Red Riding Hood.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – The Three Little Pigs.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fairy Tale – Three Billy Goats Gruff.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Fish Bowl Set.pdf(21页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Food Set.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Garden Set.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Pet Set.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Space Set.pdf(21页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards_ Weather Set.pdf(22页)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards(百种超轻粘土玩法视觉卡)

Playdough Mats & Visual Cards(百种超轻粘土玩法视觉卡)下载地址:
百度云链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mqyAlw2Nnz74HAowRV53IA
提取码: 8evw 


浏览前页: 中秋主题中英文综合资源(绘本手工手抄报谜语动画视频)
